<-- added JG 9/11/24 as per MF 4681379 --> Intown Animal HospitalINC - Atlanta, GA - Request Appointment

Intown Animal Hospital

1402-3 N Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30306




Intown Animal Hospital - Request an Appointment.

Please use our form to request an appointment. You can also call us at (404) 881-1805 and we will be happy to help.


Request Appointment Form

Please select the location you are requesting an appointment at (required)

(Morningside) North Highland Ave NE
(Midtown) Monroe Dr. NE

First Name
Last Name
Phone TypePhone Number
E-Mail Address (required) :
Patient Type

New Patient
Current Patient
Returning Patient

Please select times that you have available so that we can schedule your appointment.
Appointment :
Appointment :
Best Method for Confirming Appointment


Reason for visit (Please include patients name):

Verify the reCAPTCHA: